Unlock The Unfair Advantage That Maximizes The Growth of Startups
Get the 3-step formula for massive business growth and the secret to a high-converting brand for your product or service. This 3 -step formula is taken from my eBook “The Biz Growth Booster” to help startup businesses.
Get The 3 Steps That Has Been Helping Many Companies:
“3 Steps To A Sustainable Business” – a summarized version of our Biz Growth Booster eBook
Dear Entrepreneur,
With the message I have for you, I might as well address you as my Friend. I say this because what I’m about to share with you is what I would expect my trusted friend to do for me. Ideally, friends want nothing but the highest standards for each other.
So, you started a business. It takes bold decisions and diligent work to launch an exciting business venture like yours.
My guess is that the reason I am talking to you is because you have envisioned success, but it has taken an eternity for it to become a reality.
Or perhaps you haven’t started yet, but you have it all figured out and are on your way to launch.
Today, let’s talk together; let’s look at how things have been working for you.
Give me a chance to share this very meaningful message with you. I guarantee, by the time you’ve finished reading, it will help you avoid the long-drawn-out process to grow a successful business. When you’re done, you’ll know exactly how to turn your business around.
My name is Edith Flowers, and I am not well-known, but one thing I know is how to help businesses meet their financial goals. I have been there in the trenches (brick & mortar), helping clients for over 20 years, and I have first-hand case studies of why some were failing while others were thriving.
With an increasing number of companies under my supervision, I realized that the ones that were struggling had very similar business models, workflow patterns, publicity strategies, and customer relationships.
It all came down to their lack of branding and targeting strategies. And you know what? It just so happens that these are the reasons why startups fail.
Not a coincidence.
It’s time to reveal the secret and teach you how to avoid becoming a startup failure statistic.
Let’s face some facts:
“There are studies that show 90% of Startups fail. However, let’s go more conservative… Even in the most optimistic of studies, it shows that only four years into starting a business, roughly half survive.” CREDIT: Inc.com (Marcus Cook, Co-Founder, The Success Bug)
My team and I help startup businesses bypass trial and error to get them to their financial growth destination.
It’s like this: if you have to do something and want to get there the quickest and in the most cost-effective way, would you rather fail, burn thousands and tens of thousands, and take forever to get there?
Or would you rather get the full scoop to get there in expert style, paying less and seeing your dreams realized at a faster pace?
The customer acquisition funnel or sales funnel is built around the scientific stages of the decision to purchase. Building it right aids in maximizing a firmer foothld in the market to increase revenue. mework that breaks down that process into six stages: awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and purchase.
I don’t know about you, but I think that all business owners don’t want to fail and keep failing. Nobody starting a business is thinking: “let me see how many times I can fall before I get up and really grow.”
No, all business owners enter into business to succeed.
You would rather take the road that leads you directly to your destination – feeling elated, smart about your choices, and completely amazed by the incredible success.
"Shortcuts and Do-It-Yourself business growth management is like not knowing how to drive a car and you’re sitting at the steering wheel, driving in heavy traffic...an accident or something more serious is bound to happen."
~ Edith Flowers

I hear you, you want success, and you want it like yesterday. You know your product or service is like the newborn baby that you love to pamper and watch grow and mature.
You want that warm fuzzy feeling a parent gets when their baby moves from crawling to walking to running.
But most of the time you are disappointed that your baby is taking too long. You pray they will meet the percentile of expected growth and not be struggling so much.
You work very hard to push and pull but your efforts are fruitless.
You want to make big waves and grow big but you’re clueless about how to move your business.
Despite realizing you lack experience, you try to see how far you can get.
You realize you need expert help and top-level marketing, but you are not sure who to turn to or you feel it’s too expensive to do what’s needed to see your business turn around.
You want to do a few things for yourself. This is because the Internet is wide, open, and filled with enticing information you can take advantage of to get your business goals accomplished.
So you settle…
“Years ago when I started my company Edith played a key role in advising and creating streamlined processes that would standardize practices across my enterprise, not only for launching but for the future. This has given me much leverage in taking charge of my business and watching it grow continuously year after year. She has a gift to see the big picture and resolve issues diligently and quickly.”
People’s Environmental, Inc - Dipo H. Aka-Bashorun - President

Take it from me, I’ve seen many of our clients who had taken the Do-It-Yourself routes and lived to regret it.
They are frustrated with Facebook and other social platforms because they spend $200 and up to tens of thousands monthly on ads with zero new clients or they keep finding bottom-of-the-barrel leads.
They don’t realize that their branding strategies and marketing message are the answers to the problem.
Thus, they keep trying anything they hear that could help, and they get more disappointed because nothing they try works.
They have watched tutorial videos or have taken courses. They have tried various online methods to figure out how to find where their next customer is coming from. And, unfortunately, they become more confused than ever before.
They are getting LIKES but nobody is clicking through. Nobody is buying their products or services.
And instead of their phone ringing off the hook, they hear nothing but crickets in their pipeline.
Zero enrollments in their courses and coaching programs.
Frustrating? I know.
“I’ve worked with Edith for about eight years now... and hold her services as high-quality that add tremendous value to my business. Having her on board has enabled me to set my numbers and understand my growth direction better. If your business needs a better structure and efficient cost-effective ways to plan and grow with ease and clarity, she’s the one.”
Mr Handtruck - Edwin Sanchez - President & CEO

I would tell them: stop settling for mediocre growth…
And if these are some of the things you’ve been doing, I am advising you to stop wasting your money. If you are living through these woes, ask yourself: “How much longer am I willing to let myself down?”
You nod your head loathing the fact that your next vacation will be one that you are not proud to talk about.
All those days, weeks, months, and years of working hard and not getting anywhere.
If you keep creating ads that don’t work, or keep doing what you’re doing now, you and your family are the only ones who would lose.
THE REAL PROBLEM IS simple: You are doing what everybody else is doing, saying the same things, hitting the boost button, or sending people right to your website – a website without an effective sales funnel!
As long as you keep doing what everyone is doing, you’ll just continue to fail.
A cute trick or tactic won’t solve your problem either.
You have to address the root cause, that is, the lack of correct branding: the wrong process, business model, and target audience.
Let’s fix this!
"I only wish I had met Edith and worked with her from the beginning of my 20 years in business, we would have saved tremendous effort and time. Within less than a year with us, Edith transformed our company’s financials by implementing a new streamlined system that has brought the simplicity, efficiency, and productivity that we absolutely needed. Edith gave my business the personalized attention that is second to none. I highly recommend her services.”
JJ Falk Design - Jacqueline (JJ) Falk - Managing Principal

To fix this scenario and get your business on the right path, let’s check out some research
The single biggest reason for the failure of many startups is that the marketplace doesn’t perceive their product or service as useful.
This doesn’t mean no one in the world wants the product or service, this simply means the entrepreneurs or people handling marketing and business development didn’t do enough research.
They didn’t even think about how serious it is to implement strategies around the most effective way to brand each client’s service or product. This is in a way that will solve the problem of their target audience.
They did not target the focal point of their marketing message to sync with the supply and demand for the solution they offer.
But let’s look at what CB Insights and other experts have written about reasons for startups’ failure, and you’ll see how this ties directly with branding:
CREDIT – ForEntrepreneurs.com:
Reason 1: Market problems
Reason 2: Business model failure
Reason 3: Poor management team
Reason 4: Running out of cash
CREDIT – LeadInnovation.com:
Reason 1: Lack of market demand
Reason 2: Insufficient financial resources
Reason 3: The wrong team
Reason 4: Strong competition
CREDIT – Shakura.com:
A CBInsights result based on an Analysis of 101 Startup Postmortems
Reason 1: No market need
Reason 2: Ran out of cash
Reason 3: Not the Right team
Reason 4: Get outcompeted
CREDIT – Investopedia.com:
Reason 1: Money ran out
Reason 2: Wrong market
Reason 2: Lack of research
Reason 4: Bad Partnership
When you get a chance you should read the CBInsights article: “The Top 20 Reasons for Startup Failure”
Top 4 reasons:
Reason 1: No Market Need
Reason 2: Ran out of Cash
Reason 3: Not the right team
Reason 4: Get outcompeted
When you’re starting a business, the sooner you realize that you are actually in a marketing business, the faster you’ll find a business marketing model. This realization will help you focus on finding a space to grow your brand.
Start succeeding – do not be a statistic added to the failure rates of Startups
We’ve saved organizations that spent the majority of their initial years overpaying for too many tactics and cookie-cutter plans, just running their business thinking that somehow it would just grow, or entrusting marketing firms to assist them, only to have their promises fall through.
You can’t allow this to happen to you, because in the end, only you and your business suffer.
If you need someone to help you with your business, you will need not only their knowledge and experience, but also research on trends in your industry and market. This will help you determine how relevant your product and service are to these trends and facts.
You’ll also need to research the level of demand for your value proposition. This way you’ll know if the focal point of your marketing message is really a cash converter.
Traditional marketing agencies cut out most of this research work and send you leads they targeted the same way for their other clients.
They also offer sales funnels based on the same models as competing brands. So, your marketing model is depleted of its ability to create an impactful marketing message. This is because your brand is not tailored to highlight YOUR uniqueness, making you the same as the other competitors they help.
Your brand is watered down and cannot stand out and claim its rightful place in the market.
Not only this, you keep spending too much on marketing. This is because the targeting strategies they use are not streamlined to your specific brand, customer type, business model, and your unique selling value.
Tired of firing every marketing agency you hire? It stops today!
Aren’t you tired of this cycle?
We create scalable strategies that work in any industry, at the fraction of the cost of what you should really pay, because of the value you receive.
No scary big agency fees.
I could charge what other marketing agencies charge or even more because my marketing services are specialized and tailored.
But I cut the costs for startups knowing they already have so much on their plate and just need that extra push.
Moreover, I do not work with affiliates, hire sales reps, pay commissions, or incur overhead expenses because of my business model.
My team of experts work fast because each is extremely proficient at what they do. This makes us productive, and agile as we move the workflow throughout the 360-degree dashboard.
In addition, because your marketing is tailored to your brand, it reveals exactly what you’re offering; therefore, the traction for sales is higher.
"Edith has strong financial analysis and development skills which helped our company immensely in our constant assessment, improvement, and integration of our business model. I’m confident she will be able to make an immediate as well as a positive impact on any organization."
GRB Environmental, Inc - Maria Tamburro - Operations Director

And because we are customer-centric, we offer a first-class customer experience to make our working relationships with you more effective, approachable, and fun.
We solve your problem and help you gain the coverage you expect from your brand, so you can focus on what you can truly handle — your business skills.
Our flexible plans allow you to track all activities and analytics for Social Media, SEO, PPC, etc. If you want to do that.
Also, our team’s workflow and your customer journey are on one dashboard. This means you can see exactly what we are doing for you, and the timeline for our next task.
We send you reports and feedback so you know how your ad campaigns are performing, or you view them in real-time using apps and AI connections.
If you feel we should use your systems, that’s fine too. We’ll set up your marketing activities according to your preference.
Say goodbye to your last agency, and book a strategy call with our team, so you can rapidly grow your business online.
This is what you have to understand: you have something for a specific audience
Your business is not like any other business; you have your own DNA, background, thoughts, passions, and techniques that drive your business to the beat of a different drum.
Likewise, a business is a living entity, just like a person. It has needs: clothes to wear, that is, its brand. It has things to keep it alive and things to fix.
So just like we need vitamins at times and a doctor at times, your business needs experts and great resources to keep it running at its peak performance.
No quick fixes can get the job done.
You owe it to your business to give it the full shot.
Say goodbye to all those quick fixes and marketing folks who promised you the works and all you did was light your money on fire.
Looking back, it feels like kindling wood on a campfire, right?
You are wondering: I feel my business is special, so why is it not producing?
I’m here to tell you that your business is indeed special, and your brand is unique. You just need to find a way to bring this specialness and uniqueness to the surface.
You have to know this: your business is like you, and you are unique:
Ask yourself: Is anyone like me?
Don’t you think you’re different from others?
Well, so is your business.
A business idea might be based on a specific product or service. However, as you develop it, you realize it has a different feel, vibration, and message than a competitors’ brand. That difference is because of you and your brand.
You are different from other business owners and your brand is different from other brands.
Consider this: The goal for you and your business is to join forces, stand out, and own your rightful place in your market and industry.
This is the time!
Open the real chapter in your BIG dream. A new resolution to reach your goals, not quietly, but do something disruptive, something that challenges the status quo, something that has your mark, footprint, mind, and heart. Your concept, born from the seeds of your imagination, can become words and expressions that take ownership of its place in the industry and marketplace.
And you can say you did that, you own it, and it is yours…
It is different and has a cause and purpose that is unlike others.
It is not only unique but relevant.
And not only relevant to date, but wrapped in the cause and effect of time. As the world changes, it continues to adapt and innovate to hold its position and keep on thriving.
This is what we call a sustainable business, and it can be yours.
I’ve connected the dots from my research, experience and insights using a variety of sources, and here is my conclusion:
I like to use the number 7
#1 REASON: Lack of adequate marketing research
#2 REASON: Lack of business planning
#3 REASON: Flawed business model
#4 REASON: Lack of market need for your offering
#5 REASON: Strong competition
#6 REASON: The wrong team
#7 REASON: Insufficient financial resources
It’s mind-boggling and disturbing to look at the big picture and realize all failure rates are somehow connected or beget each other.
Look at it…here it is:
(#1 market research) Without it, you will not understand your market and you won’t be able to write a marketing/financial plan for the (#2 business planning) fundamental growth strategy.
So because you don’t know your business’s unique selling positioning, you don’t know how to tailor an effective marketing plan to develop your brand, and you’re working off a (#3 flawed business model) to implement marketing strategies.
It seems your marketing message is not reaching the right customers, and your business seems to lack enough consumer demand (#4 lack of market need) for your brand. Because you don’t know the appropriate business model for your brand, you miss out on your model customer, which results in brand stagnation and a lack of competitive advantage.
When you don’t know if your business model is the most effective for your brand, you won’t understand your audience. You would run your business on your competitors’ models, throwing yourself into the flames of competition. And because of such (#5 fierce competition), you realize you’re unfit for the challenge, and the reality that you’re losing the battle sets in.
Bottom-line you won’t grow.
While struggling to grow, you try to rely on your ineffective team. In desperation, you hire new people to help but later realize they also couldn’t help and were the (#6 wrong team): they don’t care enough about your business, or they repeat the same vicious cycle of (#1 to #5 reason from the list of 7 reasons of failure).
Eventually, you lose so much money, have damaged your business credit, and can’t secure financing or bank loans. With capital now depleted and sales down, you have (#7 insufficient financial resources) and you have to close your business.
Oh No!
Did You Notice ...
Did you see that BRANDING is not mentioned?
But what comprises branding? Ha!
Everything surrounding all seven reasons for failure pivots on how the marketing of your offering (product or service) is implemented, engaged, perceived, and monitored in the eyes of the consumers. And this, my Friend, is BRANDING at the core!
You see, you are not able to build a thriving brand without relevant research, planning, the right business model that is focused on a bespoke solution, a skilled and caring team, and the right strategies for that model.
So instead of having a premium, well-targeted brand, you just have “YOUR service or YOUR product”.
And no one wants to buy it because you won’t be speaking to the right people who are looking for the service or product to call it THEIR OWN.
You’ll be speaking with the same voice as your competitors and not presenting your “real” brand value to your audience.
As a result, although your products or services may be amazing, they’ll remain with you or collect dust on the shelf.
Sad – right
Proper branding requires all (7) seven to be successful in order to grow strong in the Marketplace.
I’m sure you’re excited to hear this. I’m excited every time I think about it.
Essentially, you need to do the opposite of what causes failure so that your company can thrive.
This leads us to this next point…
#1 Conduct extensive marketing research around your business idea
#2 Get a business plan for touchpoints and momentum planning
#3 Create a tailored business model to sync with your marketing strategies
#4 Solve a problem for a market need and a customer type in order to articulate a targeted message.
#5 Own your unique space or eliminate the competition, so you’re not outcompeted
#6 Hire the right team and partners who are skilled and care enough to do (#1 to #5)
#7 Have enough capital to launch, but more importantly, set up your business to drive continuous revenue
We are positioned to do all of these and more…
We’re positioned exclusively with you in mind: We help startups companies. We specialize in you.
From the coolest, smallest startups to traditional medium-sized businesses, we’ve got you covered. We know you, and we know what to do.
A startup company is like someone who desires to be an athlete and has many skills to hone but needs to find that one skill they perform best.
From the onset, it is important that the startup knows that the key to winning, standing out, and scaling in the marketplace is finding a niche or one customer type. No time should be wasted on a target that you are not the most adept at serving. It’s like an athlete who is better at high jumping but decides to be a 100-meter sprinter. The athlete is simply targeting and competing with his weaker talent, without focusing on the strength he’s better at.
Likewise, as a company, you can’t afford to make that mistake if you want to perform at your peak. To have maximum output, you have to find that one solution for that one customer type, that is, your ideal, unique selling proposition. You are targeting and competing with a marketing model you are proficient at, and this will build a winning brand.
Just like that athlete, you need the right partner, coach, or mentor to advise and train you to sharpen and reveal your strengths. We do this for startups: we test every angle of your business idea until we find the agile booster to build a unique brand message for your offer.
We are experts at finding the language and uniqueness of your brand. We hunt until we uncover your strength because we know every business has something special to offer. The story of your authority to solve a problem is communicated through that alluring voice for your brand. As they say: “Content is king.”
But I say this: “A well-written, well-targeted sales copy built around your unique solution is richer, wiser, and more powerful than a king”
We unravel, manifest, and release your brand’s authenticity through sales copywriting. Then, we package its story in colorful frames and canvases of a targeted agile sales funnel. This will capture your audience’s attention, leading them to take action because you have that solution they’ve been waiting for.
Now, your customers and clients get to be part of your story and experience the magnificent Illustrious transformation only you can give.
We are ready to brand you properly, and convert your target market to real customers!
To accelerate the results of your Digital Marketing, we use a combination of Business Planning, Growth Marketing, Purpose Branding, Financial Planning, Tailored Business Models, and Targeted Brand Models.
We have wide industry experience, with a team of experts working in over 200 industries.
Let us build Your Big Idea.
“Edith has been consulting with our firm for over seven years now. She brings a dynamic approach to entrepreneurship to deliver clear, precise, and fast results. I don't know what we would do without her. Every change in the business requires flexibility, care, and insight to develop a new, effective and scalable system and we can always count on her to go above and beyond our expectations. As a valuable part of our outsourced finance team, she helps our company evaluate and execute alternate ways to measure cost, growth, and profitability to meet our goals. She is definitely a partner throughout these years of our growth.”
VR Networks Inc. - Sana Hameed – Managing Partner
We build your sales bottom line with less work and better results using agile methods
We will show you how to find your target.
Your target is not a demographic, business, or neighborhood. Instead, we find out what your target thinks and wants.
What’s on their minds? Because we capture the essence of your brand and its relevance to your customer type, we determine what’s crucial to turn them into sales.
Are you currently trying to get customers online? Then I’m sure you’ll agree that converting your traffic into sales is difficult.
And getting yourself profitable? That’s even harder. But there’s a simple secret to increasing the value of each customer you market to.
Simply ask this question: Who is this for?
We help you identify what matters most to you and your customers.
We direct the focus of your brand to work beyond pure functionality and usability to evoke trust, joy, and brand loyalty.
Adding the right ingredients gives our secret sauce a kick.
Can you imagine a sandwich with brand recognition?
We aim to transform the bland sandwiches of the digital world into tasty and flavorful ones by enhancing their aroma and taste. This will boost the bottom line at every level.
Yeah, we get it. There are thousands of marketing agencies in the United States alone.
We are a small company that provides mighty success because of our agile, growth marketing approach to digital marketing; you will reap the rewards by choosing us.
We have a network of specialists in all areas of business growth.
See for yourself and partner with Business Growth Managers!
See what we mean by more business and less work.
See how we combine automation with customer relationships.
See how we build your sales funnel, making it a live lead-generating machine, so you can start sending traffic to it.
We help create and lead small brands to their Big Brand Dream
When we say we help create brands, what we mean is that we work with you to uncover the language of your brand. We help you build a brand experience that aids in modernizing your unique selling proposition, content, and brand presentation.
Sometimes from scratch, sometimes a rebrand, and sometimes just a repositioning or restrategizing. We further establish your brand through updated or existing vision and mission statements and brand voice and tone.
We build and support your brand’s momentum and awareness, through content marketing, brand strategy, product or service launches, integrated marketing, market penetration, etc. In game-changing ways.
Our branding and growth marketing strategies shape your consumers’ beliefs to influence them to take specific actions that lead to your ultimate brand goal — purchase.
But we don’t stop there. We analyze specific questions and get to the core of your brand to build loyalty.
We ask questions like: Does your consumer know who you are? Does your consumer know what makes you different and more valuable to them?
We want them to know who you are, why you’re different, and what makes what you do more valuable to them. We raise awareness and gain a foothold in the market.
We help your brand gain recognition as a solution to a problem. Furthermore, we seek out the people with those problems.
After converting your model customer to a paying customer, we help you build trust by showing you how to fulfill the promises you make to them. This will ensure they will trust you, talk about you, and help others to recognize you.
We don’t focus on making everyone like you; we focus on one customer type.
Your strategy will be potent if we define your brand only in terms of your target audience, who is eager to find you.
These are strategies used by major Fortune 100 companies.
As soon as they achieve these initial targeted strategies, they then diversify their marketing strategies to build channels and scale.
This is what we do for our clients: We use very similar foresight, methods, strategies, and insights as Fortune 100 companies, but we do this at a fraction of the cost for the companies we help.
In 30 days from now, what will be the difference in your business? Will you continue on the same path, or will you give your business the most efficient way to move forward?
Aside from removing the stress and frustrations that come from time wasted on hit and miss, you’ll get much value and results from working with us.
Here are (7) seven advantages of working with us:
1. Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you are not satisfied with our services, let us know within 14 days and you will get a 100% refund. We are so sure that you will love working with us that we also include refund clauses in our marketing agreement to protect your money in incremental optional refunds throughout the life-cycle of our work.
2. Strategic Branding
Identify the most effective branding strategies for your brand using tailor-made integrated approaches and advanced research methods to help you grow. We help improve your company’s visibility as we grow your reputation to build customer loyalty.
3. Vast Expertise That Results in Increased Sales
A team with diverse skills and backgrounds across a variety of industries, 200+. Our work increases the efficiency of your marketing, sales, and website results which helps to increase ROI and revenue and improve business growth.
4. Improved Customer Relationship
Since our founder has been in the customer service industry for over 20 years, we can show you how to create a hybrid (AI + human contact) CRM alternative that will improve velocity and add the human touch to customer management to build effective communications.
5. Bullet-Proof Business Model
A tailored Business Model that matches your brand, and is not a copy of any other model. This increases the speed at which you convert your target audience into customers. A combination of our proprietary Branding Strategies - The New4P™, Purpose Branding, Growth Marketing Masterminding, Web & Landing Page Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies, and our Agile Sales Funnel™ - reinforces your business model.
6. Next Generation Dashboard For Faster Delivery
We offer agile methods and next-generation artificial intelligence dashboards along with our workflow, scope, and project management, 360-degree views of your marketing campaign, and real-time analytics. A technology-driven organization is able to achieve faster results than a typical agency.
7. Real-time Data For Planning and Iteration
We iterate data analytics and study your customer’s experience. This will help you continue to have a deeper connection with your target audience to help encourage repeat business and boost market share.
In 30 days from now, what will be the difference in your business? Will you continue on the same path, or will you give your business the best way to move forward?
You’ll get much value and results from working with us.
Here are (7) seven benefits:
1. Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you are not satisfied with our services, let us know within 30 days and you will get a 100% refund. We are so sure that you will love working with us that we also include refund clauses in our marketing agreement to protect your money in incremental optional refunds throughout the life-cycle of our work.
2. Strategic Branding
Correct branding strategies for your brand by using tailor-made integrated approaches and advanced research methods to get you the relevant insights you need to grow. We help improve your company’s visibility as we grow your reputation to build customer loyalty.
3. Vast Expertise That Results in Increased Sales
A team with diverse skills and backgrounds across a variety of industries, 200+. Our work increases the efficiency of your marketing, sales, and website results which helps to increase ROI and revenue and improve business growth.
4. Improved Customer Relationship
Our founder has worked in the customer service industry for over 20 years, and we show you how to create a hybrid (AI + human contact) CRM alternative to improve the velocity and add the human touch to your customer management, to build effective communication with your customers.
5. Bullet-Proof Business Model
A tailored Business Model that matches your brand, and is not a copy of any other model. This augments the speed to convert YOUR target audience to customers. Your business model is reinforced by a blend of our propriety Branding Strategies – The New4P™, Purpose Branding, Growth Marketing Masterminding, Website & Landing Page Conversion Rates Optimization Strategies, and our Agile Sales Funnel™.
6. Next Generation Dashboard For Faster Delivery
Access to agile methods and integration of next-generation AI dashboard with our workflow, scope, and project management, 360 holistic views of your marketing campaign, and analytics in real-time. This offers a powerful momentum via technology for faster results than a typical agency doing manual work.
7. Real-time Data For Planning and Iteration
We iterate data analytics and study your customer’s experience to help you continue to have a deeper connection with your target audience to help encourage repeat business and boost market share.
Stop doing what you’re doing, so you can make the progress that you’ve been planning…
As long as you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep giving away your money.
However, there is ONE strategy that is working REALLY well for filling your pipeline with leads that convert to NEW Customers.
It’s working like a charm and is really simple:
Make sure you avoid the hassle, guesswork, high cost, low sales, and failure of most startups if you are on the verge of starting a business. Do it right the first time.
If you are already in business for ten years or less – and know you are caught in a startup traffic jam, it is time to stop wasting time and money and get to real business. Let’s do it right, once and for all.
If you’re sick of burning money, then let’s set up a call, and I’m happy to show you exactly how to fix this.
Here’s how it works. Click the “LET’S CHAT” button, and tell me a bit about what you’re doing.
Normally, I should be online to receive the alert. If not, I will contact you for a strategy session to talk about your business, so you can stop staring at your Ads Manager, wondering “WHAT IS HE/SHE REALLY DOING?”
You’ll stop shaking your head because of all the broke people reaching out to you. You’ll stop wasting your time because they respond to your ad, but are not interested in what you offer.
P.S. Remember, all you need to understand is how to position your startup business to gain traction and customers for the service or the product you are offering. And everything else will fall into place.
To your success, my Friend!
~ Edith – The Brand Manifestor