
If You Are About To Start A Business Or Have Been In Business A Few Years, You Can Boost Your Business With Our Business Growth Kits


Competition is Fierce
Survival is not an Option

Speed up Your Business Growth. As a new company, you have no time to lose!

Partner with us to Scale-up and Spear Through with Seamlessly Crafted Strategies…

Startups struggle in aggressively competitive markets and often go out of business because of weak branding and poor conversion tactics. There is absolutely no time to try-and-test different marketing strategies to figure out the best one for your startup business. This is where experience and expertise come into play. And that’s why you need a proven growth marketing partner like us who understands the urgency and can put your business on the path to ACCELERATED growth- delivering you targeted results and ensuring rapid business growth in the Fastest Time.

So, what are you waiting for?

Time is of the Essence.

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Growth Kits That Are DONE-FOR-YOU Will Get You Going Fast

Laser Launch™ Kits

Business Momentum Kits

Discounts & Payment Plans Available!

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Manifest. Engage. Grow

We Help New And Early Stage Startup Companies Succeed.

At Business Growth Managers, we help startups like you build a solid, fast-growth marketing foundation with a laser-focused vision and a well-curated roadmap with the best mix of strategies and models that hit your goals and deliver. We manifest with purposeful branding that resonates with your target audience touching their emotions and pain points and building a trust-based connection with them. Our growth managers tailor proven customer value optimization strategies and sync them with the latest AI and digital marketing models to increase customer engagement and transition them into loyal and repeated buyers. The perfect combination of our wealth of experience and access to the best insights, advanced tools, and industry knowledge enable us to grow your business as promised.

Ready to Grow and Go to the Next Level of Business Success at Full-Throttle?

Do It Right From The Start

Unlock the True Power of Branding to Strengthen Your Business Presence and Experience Growth.

Poor branding is one of the top reasons why startups don’t make it to the top, even when they are good at what they do. Let us help you understand and unlock the power of purposeful branding to:

Experience Impactful Branding that Inspires People and Keeps Them Loyal in the Long-Term.

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Winning Team of Growth Strategists

At BGM, we rely on our winning team of experienced, expert, and creative growth managers with global experience. They leverage their expertise to create customized growth models for clients with targeted marketing messages and strategies that connect your business with the target audience and supercharge your brand’s growth.

Why BGM?

Because We Don’t Shot in the Dark.

We Hit the Bull’s Eye.

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Proprietary Growth Formula

The New4P™ is our proprietary growth formula which we use to draw out the unique ability of your brand. It helps us customize your brand growth plan and maximize business profits and customer retention.

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End-to-End Solutions

With us, you get end-to-end solutions from crucial insights to concept brainstorming, critical business planning, marketing, and a clear roadmap. Rest assured, we position your brand for inevitable growth.

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Fast Results

We know startups need quick results, and that’s what we deliver. We seamlessly craft processes and strategies that deliver real results in the fastest time.


Our Happy Clients

Here’s what our happy clients have to say about us:

JJ Falk Design Jacqueline (JJ) Falk -
Managing Principal

I only wish I had met Edith and worked with her from the beginning of my 20 years in business, we would have saved tremendous effort and time. Within less than a year with us, Edith transformed our company’s financials by implementing a new streamlined system that has brought the simplicity, efficiency, and productivity that we absolutely needed. Edith gave my business the personalized attention that is second to none. I highly recommend her services.

Mr Handtruck Edwin Sanchez - President & CEO

I’ve worked with Edith for about eight years now... and hold her services as high-quality that add tremendous value to my business. Having her on board has enabled me to set my numbers and understand my growth direction better. If your business needs a better structure and efficient cost-effective ways to plan and grow with ease and clarity, she’s the one.

GRB Environmental, Inc Maria Tamburro - Operations Director

Edith has strong financial analysis and development skills which helped our company immensely in our constant assessment, improvement, and integration of our business model. I’m confident she will be able to make an immediate as well as a positive impact on any organization.

People’s Environmental, Inc Dipo H. Aka-Bashorun - President

Years ago when I started my company Edith played a key role in advising and creating streamlined processes that would standardize practices across my enterprise, not only for launching but for the future. This has given me much leverage in taking charge of my business and watching it grow continuously year after year. She has a gift to see the big picture and resolve issues diligently and quickly.

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442 Fifth Avenue #1378

New York, NY  10018 



+ 1 646 984 5140

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