
Agile Sales Funnel™ Design

BGM’s Agile Sales Funnel™ Design speeds up the conversion rate of your marketing campaigns.

Also known as the the User Acquisition Funnel, a sales funnel normally consists of six stages that a consumer usually go through to make a purchase: Awareness, Interest, Consideration, Intent, Evaluation, and Purchase. It is crucial to develop this funnel with the right content to gain a stronger foothold in the market and drive sales. 

As part of your marketing campaign, we design a customized Agile Sales Funnel™ to generate rapid leads by targeting your niche or target market to increase conversions. We narrow down the Steps to 3 or 4 Stages. Find out more below…



The BGM Agile Sales Funnel™

Our sales funnel is streamlined into a maximum of 4 stages and begins with a well-thought out Landing page and Sales copy that resonates with your prospects.

Four (4) Stages:

  • Awareness

  • Interest

  • Decision

  • Action

The point of contact is a landing page and the first section your prospect will see. Consequently, the landing page plays a key role in conversion since it is the first impression and written with targeted content. This is to reveal an irresistible offer or make clear the problem you are solving so the prospect is compelled to go further in the conversion funnel. Thus, the landing page is the first step in a much more complex process. However, it might be the most relevant one. If you don’t nail that landing page, your traffic may bounce off and never convert.

Our targeted sales funnel streamlines the business goals to cater to a target market. It narrows down visitors and leads the correct audience to the bottom of the funnel, where they eventually become leads. If you fail to keep track of your customer conversions, the best tip is to use a targeted sales funnel to know which and how many consumers manage to reach the final action stage.  


What is the Targeted Sales Funnel?

The Agile Sales Funnel™  is a well designed targeted sales funnel to create speed to market and higher conversion of customer to your product and service. A targeted sales funnel is first drafted as a diagram, chart, or written steps that describe the journey a potential customer usually takes to become a current customer.

The top of the funnel indicates the total targeted consumers, and the lower narrow part of the funnel shows the number of consumers that successfully made a purchase, i.e., converted into paying customers.

The targeted sales funnel helps specify which and how many customers exist in the different stages of a sales process.

The higher the number of consumers who reach to the bottom of the funnel, the higher the overall consumer conversion rate for that particular business.

As a result, the business’ profits and annual revenue go up.

Why is a Targeted Sales Funnel One of the Best Investments for Business Growth?

  • Helps a business understand whether ongoing marketing campaigns are effective enough to encourage a consumer to move from the awareness stage to the action stage.
  • Increases sales and market share due to higher generation of targeted leads that are easier to convert to customers.
  • Helps a business track their overall progress and growth rate, making growth more measurable and predictable.
  • Gives a business the opportunity to focus on different funnel stages to improve and enhance the overall sales process for their consumers.
  • Keep track of your existing and prospective customers to build insight for effective marketing strategies for your specific brand.
  • Helps a business allocate financial resources more optimally to improve ROI.


Revenue-Generating Marketing Leverage Expert Sales Copywriting and High Conversion Sales Funnel

Now more than ever, it has become incredibly critical for attracting targeted and multi-segmented customers. Copywriting has also grown to become a prominent part of online business. Copywriters provide companies with their messaging throughout the buyer’s journey. Clarifying messages and optimizing conversions in a sales funnel can make a significant difference in the success of your business, with a favorable return on investment (ROI). This is why companies like yours need an expert copywriter to target their messages at different stages of the sales funnel to help close the sale. 

A staggering “79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales.” (Source: SalesForce). However, another report by Hubspot states that marketers who used segmented campaigns built as sales funnels reported as much as a 760% increase in revenue! According to WebEx, having a high conversion rate on leads places your company in the top 10% of global advertisers. 

Proof from these statistics and others makes sense to use at least one well-built high-converting sales funnel in ALL your marketing channels. This is because a high-conversion funnel creates multiple points of entry for people looking for your services and products and website. Statistics show that having a well-crafted sales funnel can increase conversions by two to five times. That is, you can build a customer base five times faster using a sales funnel.

Our Agile Sales Funnel™ makes it easy to convert people searching for different terms related to your product or service. The sales funnel narrows down your campaigns to reveal preferences and customer habits along the funnel and gives you the power to retarget, segment, and remarket effectively. This will enable you to get your messages in front of people who are already familiar with your brand to further increase your conversions.

As a result, all your sales and marketing strategies are aligned from start to end as a bespoke brand-building, lead-generating sales funnel that is continually optimized to connect with your target audience and convert them into customers.


How to Optimize the Sales Funnel Landing Page

Keep the following rules in mind:

  • Match the language to the target audience. For example: you don’t want to use cooking terminology for a bunch of gamers.
  • Reel them in through the headlines. Remember to reflect your brand image, vision, and product’s uniqueness in those first three taglines.
  • Relate to your user. Speak directly to your customer and inspire them to invest in your
  • Analyze the metrics! 

Final Thoughts

Reviewing the annual sales or profit report is not the ideal way to examine your business’s growth. Instead, businesses must create a targeted sales funnel that tracks a consumer’s journey, allowing the business an opportunity to pinpoint its weaknesses and address specific issues that could be hindering a potential sale. Website marketing can lead to traffic only when the basics are done right. This includes the landing page tactics as part of the sales funnel design to encourage your target audience to click further and follow the funnel.

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