
Startup entrepreneurs possess a passion to take their businesses to the next level. And we partner with them to help them rise to the occasion.

We offer our Coaching Programs to assist you in setting your passion on fire. This will enable you to touch the lives of your clients so that they get to experience your purpose for them, for you, and for your family.


We Are Transforming Leaders So Their Companies Thrive

You are not alone - from creating a clear vision to finding your customers, carving out your unique message, and putting yourself on the path to success, we have innovated two Programs from our proprietary Growth Formula, The New4P™ to help you get there. The Programs are (PierceTheMarket™) and (The 7FigureGrowthTrigger™ ).

Our one-on-one programs are driven by the notion that the Entrepreneur is the reflection of their Business Model, and their products and services are unique enough to give them a competitive advantage. You just need to find that unique component(s) and reveal its value to your model customer. We hold your hand and are right there with you to bring this to fruition.

We believe coaching and mentorship should delve deep into the heart and soul of the Entrepreneur and inspire them to create a strong business from the start - a business that is innovative, creative, and offers tremendous value for their customers, clients, teams, partners, and society at large. Bringing out entrepreneurs' potential will allow them to experience the transformation of becoming better leaders and companies.

The purpose of these programs is to help entrepreneurs achieve measurable growth in their businesses.

Program: PierceTheMarket™

In the PierceTheMarket™ Program, our goal is to lay the foundation to acquire and retain clients and customers. We teach you how to examine your business idea, products, and services and analyze the BEST WAY to break into the market of your target audience. We take you on a romantic trip to "date" your product and service to learn the unique language that emanates from within the life of that product or service.

The technique of listening to your product and service is what deepens your passion for what your product or service can do. This will show you how to solve the problem of a target market. Your passion creates innovation and innovation boosts and optimizes your marketing message.

When you use the PierceTheMarket™ Program, you will also uncover the distinctive value and purpose of your product or service. By analyzing this information, you can understand the brand's uniqueness, differentiate your brand from the competition, and conceptualize your targeted marketing message. Then, we help you write your marketing message, sales copy, and a sequence of email copies.

This one-on-one Program helps you foster the activities and the buzz to innovate, create and communicate your value to your market and stand out as a company that is truly unique.

These are some of the things we work through together with you



Program: The7FigureGrowthTrigger™

The mind is like a machine embedded with budding ideas - a field of innovation yearning for reality. You'll often find yourself coming up with a million ideas for business concepts. Can you relate? It's like every year you find yourself with something new to pursue or something to add to the business concept you had before. This is because you want to do something great, you want to make your life something you are proud of, and you want to make a difference. But you also want success.

You realize success is not based on the amazing ideas you have within unless you do something to bring those ideas to life! Success is measured by how many people you help with your ideas that create products and services that solve problems. This results in a lucrative business because the more people come in contact with your product or service, the more lives you impact, and the more revenue you receive.

It is the entrepreneur who sets the ceiling or cap for their business; they determine how many people they intend to help, how far the business could go, and how long it takes to get there. Since the term "Trigger" refers to a cause for an event to occur or exist, this Program is designed to transform leaders into those who can build a 7-Figure Empire. However, the ultimate goal of this program is to help the Entrepreneur begin the journey to their 7-figure paycheck. It's a technique you can use to expand the impact of your digital marketing and increase sales.

This one-on-one Coaching Program helps you build a stronger business mindset, stronger teams, stronger competitive advantage, and a stronger company. With our help, you can become the highest version of yourself as a leader, so you can help your company grow, resulting in a higher income.

These are some of the things we work through together with you




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