
Business Growth Managers (BGM), had a humble start in the Accounting and Bookkeeping industry. The vision expanded and the business branched off into Business Development and Business Planning. Our founder, Edith Flowers, worked mainly with small businesses, but she also helped some entrepreneurs with their personal finances, tax planning, and so on. 

Most of the work done between 1999 and 2015 was consulting and outsourcing work in financial services and financial analytics for businesses and some personal financial planning for families and individuals. Between 2008 and 2016, Edith began working on projects for medium and larger companies. 

Working all those years (since 1999) face-to-face and rolling up her sleeves in the trenches with business owners is where Edith gained deep insights into their problems and saw similarities in their weaknesses and strengths. She saw the distinct business models of companies who were struggling financially and those who were thriving. This was also the arena where Edith grasped how business models shape the brands of companies, and she started advising companies how to correct their business models to build stronger brands and more revenue.

BGM evolved as Edith learned what drives business revenue and she began to help companies online the more she interacted with her clients in person.

By 2016, it made sense to use the same analytical skills that were used previously to intel the weaknesses in business models and brands to solve companies’ problems on a larger scale. This was how Business Growth Managers and The New4P™ Advanced Success System were born. And by 2022 the Agile Sales Funnel™.


Fiscal Precision Group, Inc.

SERVICES: Accounting & Bookkeeping. Only brick & mortar.


Wealth-Assurance Partners, LLC

SERVICES: Personal Finance and Business Finance Management.
Simultaneously with Fiscal Precision Group, Inc. dba Bookkeeping Masterminds. Also added Tax Preparation.
Launched website for both entities.
Witnessed the patterns of companies almost going out of business and developed internal processes and systems for clarity to aid financial models to stir them in an improved direction.
Had Partnerships with other Financial Professionals to help client-base.
Dealt with customer service issues and worked with the sales department and learned a lot about the models that worked and those that did not work and why.
Hired four employees to Fiscal Precision Group, Inc. and one Intern.


Launched dba AskEdithAboutBizPlans & Biz Plans Masterminds

SERVICES: Included Marketing & Business Planning and Business Development.
Integrated Social Platforms and Digital Marketing to businesses.
Gained Partnerships with a top Marketing agency.
Edith was hired as an Independent Contractor for a Financial Marketing agency and learned more about business models, customer attraction, customer value optimization, and retention.


Launched A Growth Marketing Model: The New4P™ Advanced Success System

SERVICES: Business Planning and Growth Marketing.
The New4P™ Advanced Success System was launched to help Small Businesses with (Success Mindset, Value Proposition, Branding, and Business Growth).
Press Release for dba Biz Plans Masterminds: Featured The New4P™ on media wire - Fox, ABC, CBS, Silicon Investor, and Digital Journal.
Wrote and self-published a Free eBook and its Workbook: "The Biz Growth Booster" - to help businesses scale. Later, the eBook carried a price tag in downloadable PDF.
Created The One Page Business Plan - a summarized version of The New4P™. Free and downloadable as a lead magnet.
Created A 3-Step Blueprint: "How To Reach Sustainable Growth Faster". A lead magnet generator. The target solution - was to help Entrepreneurs increase their personal paycheck to a high 6-figure or possibly 7-figure. Also called "The 7-Figure Growth Trigger"


Started using the name Business Growth Managers as the main name

SERVICES: Growth Marketing and Brand Development.
The New4P™ Advanced Success System is a strategic resource for Business Development, Purpose Branding, and Growth Marketing.
Formed Partnerships with Marketing and Business Development Gurus.
Hired by a Corporate agency to do consulting work for a $1.4 billion revenue Media Corporation. Worked closely with Sales Reps, Top-tier Sales Leaders, and Regional Controller, with a focus on customer service, and accounts receivable. Got firsthand knowledge of advertising models that worked.


Launched A Personal Finance Model: MasterPlan™

The MasterPlan™ was launched to help families and individuals build financial independence to decrease their expenses, increase their income, and redirect their savings into an effective financial planning strategy, which includes moderate investment at high-interest rates.
The Value: an easy and effective financial planning method with a holistic approach for growing wealth at any income level.
This personal financial coaching model was a way to keep all Personal Finance revenue as a completely separate income stream from Growth Marketing / Business Development revenue.


Rebranded: Business Growth Managers

SERVICES: Growth Marketing and Brand Development.
Research and Development show marked trends for the grave need for Agile Marketing (a.k.a. Growth Marketing). This led to rebranding the company to focus mainly on Designing Growth Models as a System to integrate with Agile Marketing for the best strategies to help businesses of all sizes, markets and industries build their brands through digital media. We chose start-up businesses as our target market because they need the most help. These are businesses that have been launched but need help scaling and growing to the next level or businesses that are ready to launch.
Upgraded the team to (expert-only) Growth Managers to strategically position the company to have team members who are all experts in their field and have deeper insights and knowledge to effectively help clients with speed to market and shorten the growth life cycle. At each level of work, our experts are equipped to help businesses of all sizes - and especially businesses that are struggling to scale to build their brand and revenue to the next level.
The Value: The New4P™ to be used for effective and quicker Brand Development + Agile Marketing to build Superior businesses, higher profit margins, higher ROI, agile business models, and sustainable growth.


Registered Business Growth Managers, LLC as a stand-alone multi-member entity for tax purposes

Secured partnership with a group of 30+ financial companies to help companies with funding and business loans.