Publication Graphic Design
The purpose of publications is to provide news and information. News and information are accessible online, and the graphics accompanying those news are created by publication graphic designers. The average user now spends 5 hours per day on mobile devices. Books are being replaced with eBooks and online shopping is growing rapidly, making publication graphic design a needed resource. Publication graphic designers are responsible for creating eye-catching covers that appeal to the market audience. They also design the layouts of pages, spreads, graphs, that present information in an appealing format.
Examples of Publication Graphic Designs
Examples: eBooks, Catalogs, Digital Newspapers, Magazines, Newsletters, Directories, Annual Reports, etc.
What to Expect from Our Help
In the past the main medium for providing news and information was via publications and the printing press. But time has changed and technology is progressing. Today, the digital medium is at the top. Publishers and editors rely on our graphic designers to create layouts with carefully selected typography and accompanying artwork, including photography, graphics, and illustrations. They’re responsible for creating eye-catching covers that will appeal to the market audience, as well as designing page layouts that present information in a way that’s appealing and easy to read. They work closely with writers and editors to achieve just the right look for a project, whether it’s designing an eye-catching edgy photo spread for a magazine or selecting just the right font for the next bestseller.
Our publication graphic designers understand color management, printing, and digital publishing and possess excellent communication, layout, and organizational skills to streamline attractive professional publications. Besides Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign®, we also conduct thorough market research with attention to detail to enhance our designs.