Whether you run a coaching business, work for a large company, or on your own, job burnout happens. You gradually begin hitting the snooze button, putting off starting projects, experiencing writer’s block when it comes to creating products, and growing to dread your coaching conversations. It may seem to appear abruptly, but these easy-to-miss signals begin steadily and snowball until you question if you still want to be a coach.
Although no one is immune to this problem, there are strategies to avoid it.
1. Separate “vampire prospects” from “viable prospects”.
Interviewing prospects is essential for screening out high-maintenance clients and those that don’t want to put in the effort. I like to refer to them as vampire clients because of the frequent complaints, justifications, and inquiries they make of you. Trying to get a grasp on this type of client during an interview process allows you to reject their company straight away or state your boundaries and expectations right away, giving them the opportunity to decide if working with you is the best decision for them.
2. Automate and delegate workflow tasks.
Managing a business on your own may be time-consuming and frustrating. Along with coaching clients, you are also responsible for billing, a monthly newsletter, social media marketing, in-person networking events, and product development. And even with all the background tasks you probably perform, this isn’t a complete list! You’ll have more time to yourself and less worry if you cross some of these things off your daily to-do list. For instance, use an online scheduling program to let your customers arrange their phone conversations or hire a virtual assistant if you have the money.
3. Organize and plan your days.
To focus on your projects throughout the day, use the time blocking method or Pomodoro technique (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique). Create a list for the next day at the end of each day. Any unpleasant incidents should be recorded in a journal along with suggestions on how to manage such circumstances in the future. Even if it’s just locking the door to your home office, knowing exactly what has to be done the next day helps you to leave work at the office. This will enable you to spend the evening with your family and friends.
4. Calculate your prices carefully to get the most competive price.
When you make up numbers out of thin air because they “sound reasonable to you,” you’re probably underpricing your time and undervaluing your services. Additionally, if you allow an energy vampire to accidentally end up on your client calendar, you’ll start to feel resentment toward them right away. This is because they underpaid and you’ll believe that every time you communicate with them, you’re losing money.
5. Ensure your own well-being.
When running a business, self-care is crucial because there is no one else to take over if you get sick. To give your brain time to relax, unplug from devices two hours before bed. In order to keep your body healthy and flexible, exercise daily and drink plenty of water.
It is possible to run a successful coaching business without experiencing burnout. By taking these actions, you can be proactive and learn how to unwind and relish the memorable moments in life.